Saturday, June 1, 2013

Placerville California

My brother and his wife have lived in Placerville, California for about 10 years now.  It is just an hour west of Lake Tahoe in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada's.  This last year they moved into a new home high up in the mountains.  Placerville city itself is already HILLY in comparison to what us Battle Creek folks know, and I mean way hillier than Riverside drive up to Columbia.

We had to drive hairpin turns to get to their new home for about 45 minutes with our skinny mini motorhome.  It was beyond description in terms of how challenging it was to get the vehicle up to the top of the mountain where they live.  I was already a good bit "on edge" once we got to the bottom of their driveway and my brother stopped there show us our climb up to their house.  I just started crying, and I'm not kidding "downright almost sobbing".  The steepness of their driveway is like none I've ever seen.  But once I recovered the setting is stunningly beautiful.  We've been with them now for 3 days and tomorrow we leave to go to the Big Trees in Northern California and then onto Portland.  They will be traveling with us so we don't have to be sad yet that we're leaving.

They've made us wonderful meals and we've just relaxed on their beautiful decks looking into the valley's between the mountains.  If you owned a sports car or motorcylce the drive to and from their home would be hoot but definitely dangerous.  One of the pictures is the one lane bridge that groans when you drive over it.  Our posts will be brief this week as I want to spend time with them as opposed to spending time on the computer but I'll try to make up for it.

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