Sunday, June 9, 2013

Hiking the Columbia River Gorge

I'll have more pictures to come of the Columbia River Gorge, but this post is of the hikes we've done during a couple of our days here.  The first hike is the Multnomah Waterfalls, and the falls are the first picture here. On that hike with my whole brothers family we covered 5 miles, a good bit of elevation, and ten waterfalls.  It was a spectacular day.  We finished the day with lunch at the base of the big falls, a nap, and then a trip into Hood River to shop a little.
The next day of hiking we just took the two girls on a 4 mile hike to Punchbowl falls.  It was a much easier hike than the previous day but the falls at the end were quite beautiful.  We bet Bob & Wendi at the Bonneville Damn on the River for lunch and then took a tour or the damn and then the fish hatchery that was in the vicinity. 

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