Thursday, June 20, 2013

Hurricane Ridge - Olympic NP

After visiting Crescent lake, Pat and I drove up to Hurricane Ridge in Olympic NP. It is a scenic 19 mile drive from sea level to 7000 feet and there are very few straightaway's. The first picture is looking down at the 'sound', or water between Port Angeles, WA and Victoria Island, BC.

At the end of the road is a lodge surrounded by a cradle of mountains, totally breathtaking. The entire time I walked around the theme from the Sound of Music was playing in my head. Towards the right of the mountain range is Mount Olympus, the highest peak in Washington ( it is in the clouds), and just below it is Blue Glacier. There is still snow at the lodge, and we hiked the High Ridge trail through some snow fields to get to the summit near the lodge, the highest accessible place without snow gear.

Amazingly beautiful vista that we both found hard to leave. 


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