Monday, June 24, 2013

We're still out West

We arrived in Anacortes, Washington on Wednesday, June 19th. It was a nice day and so we got out the bike and rode in to the farmers market in town, we also checked the ferry time schedules to the various San Juan Islands. Great fun, wonderful produce at the farmers market, and nice city.

We woke up the next morning to a 90% rain all day long. We were stuck and spent a good portion of that day at Starbucks catching up on reading etc. Watched the movie, The Life of Pi, I thought this movie was going to be about math, very good!

Friday was beautiful; we took the ferry to San Juan island and spent most of the day riding bicycle around the island. Randy will post photo's of that soon. The next day, Randy's child hood friend, Brad Davies and his wife Tes came to visit us at our camp and we went sight seeing with them to Deception pass. This was pretty cool as they had not seen each other since they were 20 years old and Brad left for the navy. Again, more pictures to follow when time and Internet permits.

On Sunday the clouds opened and began to let the rain fall. Around 2:00 pm we couldn't stand it any more so we rode the ferry to a smaller island; a 5 minute ferry ride away and rode around it on the bike in the drizzle. It was fun, not too cold, not too wet.

The rain persisted all night and was forecasted to continue all week so we made the decision to jump ship earlier than we'd planned. We left the San Juan islands much to our dismay as there was more biking and kayaking to try yet. I'm writing you from our campsite at the WalMart near Coeur d'Alane Idaho where it is still raining. Oh well, we've been very blessed as you can tell by previous posts and the farmers and animals need moisture.

If the rain stops we will stay in town tomorrow and head to Glacier National Park on Wednesday. Randy's working on photos right now, so maybe we will have something better (than my poor writing skills) to post tomorrow.

Sent from my iPad

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