Saturday, June 29, 2013

3 posts here from Logan's Pass

On Friday we thought we'd beat the crowds of tourists and drive to the top of Logan's Pass and do the hike up to the Hidden Lake Overlook. The pictures in this post show you how much snow there was getting up to the overlook. We've done this hike several years ago and loved it so much that we had to do it again. Usually we've heard it called the march of the penguins because every tourist in the park likes to do this snow covered hike. Not so much this year as many people had sandals on. It was a very warm day so sandals were appropriate but not for hiking in this amount of snow.

The two posts that follow this (I got smart and worked backwards so you'll see these pictures in order) are of the vista looking down on Hidden Lake which was frozen and then some of the hike down to the lake. It was an epic day for us, so beautiful.

Our bodies hurt a lot today so it's a day off in camp to recuperate, maybe a bike ride later when the famous "Going to the Sun Road" is less busy from car traffic. Heading home soon, Glacier is our last scenic stop before we hit the road.

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