Sunday, June 9, 2013

Drive Along Oregon Coast

Our drive to Portland was beautiful, it happened on Tuesday of last week.  We are behind blogging because we were having so much fun exploring the Columbia River Gorge.  More to come on that.  The photo's I'm posting here included scenic shots from our drive, us freezing outside waiting for the beautiful sunset on the Pacific coast (photo's of the sunset itself didn't turn out too well), and then our breakfast at the "famous" Otis Cafe the next morning on our drive into Portland.
The Otis Cafe has 4 boothes and one table.  It was written up in the book of "Road Foods" and we find it to be delightful.  It's our second visit and our cinamin bread french toast did not disappoint.  We took home some blueberry rye bread for toast and are still enjoying it.  More to come on our hikes on the Columbia River Gorge and our stay in Portland.

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