Monday, May 27, 2013

Enjoyed two more Wonderful days at Bryce

We've stayed in Bryce Canyon for 4 days now and really have enjoyed the great workouts and then the relaxation mid afternoon with a nice cooked meal at night.  Last night at 9:10 p.m. I looked at Randy and said we've made it until 9:00, we're allowed to go to bed now.  We were half awake reading in the camper.  We both chuckled as we are typically die hard stay up at night kind of people.

Yesterday we hiked 8 miles in the Canyon, an area called Fairyland Loop. While it was longer, it was not as rigorous as our first days hike.  The pictures here show some small fin like areas that Randy is shown walking on.  They are very slight grades and do not fall on either side much distance at all (so they are not dangerous mom's).  You'll see some pictures today that show the small wild flowers that grow in the desert canyon.  The history of the Hoo Doo's in the canyon are quite unique.  The big thing that we've learned is that the number of times each year that this area freezes and thaws (180 times in the year 2010) is why there is so much shift and erosion.  Top that with large rains during the summer and the rock erodes to create these pinnacles.

We bicycled 32 miles today to Red Rock Canyon.  Didn't take any pictures. We were either going downhill or uphill and my camera hand couldn't get to the camera.  We do stop don't get me wrong but we hoped to get back to the canyon to have lunch at the Lodge which we did.  We're enjoying wine tonight with some folks we met today that own the same motorhome we do. This guy has really modified his rig to have solar power on the roof etc.  It's going to be fun to see all that he has done.

We leave tomorrow to head to Placerville, California to spend time with my brother Bob and his wife Wendi and their children.  We're really looking forward to seeing them and they live in just a beautiful part of California.

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