Saturday, May 25, 2013

Saturday, Riding the tandem to Yovimpa Point

So we thought we'd get some hill climbing in today on the bicycle.  The route was from our campsite in Bryce Canyon City at about 7,500 feet elevation, to Yovimpa Point which was at 9,115 feet.  It was beautiful, it was hard, the vistas were outstanding.  The other really neat thing is when you're rolling along as SLOW as we were you really get to see all of the scenery.  For you bicyclists out there, here's our stats for the way out.

20.13 miles one way, 1 hour 53 minutes to get to the point, an average speed of 10.70 mph (Randy and I can typically average 16 to 17 mph when riding in Battle Creek), and a max speed of 43.69 mph.

On our return trip we traveled 20.5 miles (an extra 4 tenths of a mile to go to the camp store to get another pomegranate lemonade and only Frito's this time), it took us 1 hour 4 minutes to return, our average speed was 19.1 mph, and our max speed was 50.8 mph.

Pooped again, but feeling really good.  Cooking in camp each night, burgers last night and chicken tonight.  Fun to have Randy cook so much for us as we don't find as much time during the school year.

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