Saturday, June 29, 2013

3 posts here from Logan's Pass

On Friday we thought we'd beat the crowds of tourists and drive to the top of Logan's Pass and do the hike up to the Hidden Lake Overlook. The pictures in this post show you how much snow there was getting up to the overlook. We've done this hike several years ago and loved it so much that we had to do it again. Usually we've heard it called the march of the penguins because every tourist in the park likes to do this snow covered hike. Not so much this year as many people had sandals on. It was a very warm day so sandals were appropriate but not for hiking in this amount of snow.

The two posts that follow this (I got smart and worked backwards so you'll see these pictures in order) are of the vista looking down on Hidden Lake which was frozen and then some of the hike down to the lake. It was an epic day for us, so beautiful.

Our bodies hurt a lot today so it's a day off in camp to recuperate, maybe a bike ride later when the famous "Going to the Sun Road" is less busy from car traffic. Heading home soon, Glacier is our last scenic stop before we hit the road.

Hike from vista to hidden lake

After climbing 1.5 miles through the snow covered incline, these pictures are from the vista to the hike down to hidden lake.

Hidden Lake, final destination

These are some of the spectacular views we got once we hiked down to Hidden Lake.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Raging waters and me paddle boarding

I had to share more of the raging waters coming down from the mountain. After dinner we got on the bike and ride 20 miles to Lake McDonald lodge where we spied this tour bus that people take throughout the park. Ford motor company refurbished these 1939 vehicles in 2002 for continued use. They run on propane. Last picture is me paddle boarding on Lake McDonald. We were sitting looking at the lake while eating ice cream and she came up and said, want to try paddle boarding? I jumped up and said "yes"! It was fun, lake was so glassy. Off to go hiking to Hidden Lake.

Avalanche Lake

There were lots of people on this hike, it kept the bears at bay. 😜

Hike in Glacier

The next two batches of photos are of our hike yesterday to Avalanche Lake. It was a six mile hike, the raging waters and stunning lake vista were almost shocking they were so beautiful.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

More Coeur D'Alene

Some sites from our bicycle ride

We rode our bicycle on the Centennial Trail yesterday in Coeur D'Alene for 40 miles. Internet is getting more difficult and resizing pictures to send to our blog has become a little tougher. Can only send 4 at a time from my phone so they'll be in batches. It was a fun day in this town even though we got poured on by rain at the end of our ride.

Guemes Island

Couldn't stand waiting out the rain on our fifth day in Anacortes. Decided to take the shorter ferry ride to Guemes Island and ride the loop. Turned out to be a 20 mile ride with mild drizzle. We really had fun and it beat sitting in the trailer or Starbucks. Had a pop while waiting for the ferry at the general store.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Biking on San Juan Island

Friday morning we jumped out of bed (sorta) and rode the tandem to the ferry dock, around one mile from our campground. Just as we got to the Ferry terminal, three couples wheeling six sea kayaks walked up. Really cool to see them, they were going to do a three day kayak tour from Friday Harbor (and claimed to have 12 bottles of wine stashed in the various kayaks . . . they must know our friends). After an hour long ferry ride we reached Friday Harbor on San Juan island. Very nice marina, pretty seaside tourist town.

We jumped on the tandem and headed off to ride the perimeter of the island, and our first interesting sight was a camel eating weeds along the road. Really not what we expected to see on this ride. Our first stop was Rouche Harbor. I assume that if you live in Seattle or Portland, have excessive amounts of money, and like to boat, you probably hang out in Rouche Harbor. Really steep downhill into the harbor, then tons of very large boats. Really beautiful place. They even have an airport. After wandering the boat docks, we got back on the tandem and went up the hill, maybe the steepest thing we've climbed this summer. Over hill and dale we traveled, until we came to Lime Kiln State Park, the favorite whale watching location among the islands here. Very nice park, but no whales today. We did see a sea lion's head bobbing along, and also checked out the light house.

We made our way back to Friday Harbor and enjoyed a deli lunch looking over the marina (very good). We wandered the town a bit and then decided to ride some more rather than shop. We rode along the coast on a different road and came to a cute little city park on a bay and soaked up a little vitamin D. Then back to Friday Harbor for some hand scooped ice cream. We really ride so we can eat ice cream whenever we want.

As we were waiting for the ferry to dock, I looked up and a plane was flying straight at me. He gently glided down and landed in the harbor right in front of us. We were so surprised we didn't grab the camera until he was about to dock.

The last picture is our way home . . . via tandem and ferry.

Really nice day, 44 miles on the bike and many smiles along the way.

~ Enjoy