Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Great day in Canyon

We got up from our campground in Sedona at 4:00 am, arrived at the McDonald's restaurant just outside the canyon for some protein around 6:30 am. By the time we parked and ride the bus to the trailhead it was 8:00 am. Still comfortable in terms of temperature and shade don the start of our hike. We carried 15 liters of water and lots of snacks. They really read you the riot act about being safe and using your brains when hiking in the canyon. They give you all kinds of statistics about how much time you should account for, how many liters of water you should take, and to use your brains as many people die hiking in the canyon. Jessica became quite afraid. We were well stocked and we knew what we needed, but we are careful to heed their warnings.

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