Saturday, June 28, 2014


We rented a jeep this week. Went off roading through the rocks of Sedona very very fun!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Hog Wash & Hog Heaven

Lovely, relatively easy hike today. The whole hike was recently developed for mountain biking here. You wouldn't catch me riding it in a bike but really easy on foot.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Vulte Arch

We decided to climb the first mountain pass, and then go down into a canyon to see Vulte arch. Definitely worth our while. I plugged our hike into MyFitnessPal, and it says that we burn 2400 cal on a hike like this. So, we went to Chick-fil-A for lunch afterwards. Yum.

I did wash my feet before I stepped foot into the restaurant. They may not have served me. I have been hiking in my new Chaco's and my feet feel wonderful in them.

Felt like northern michigan

He were in woods much of the day, it was just beautiful. It really did feel like we were in Michigan, rather than Sedona Arizona. The mountain views were wonderful.

Sterling Pass

Today we did another hard hike up to sterling pass. It's the "saddle" between the mountains. Greatly rewarded with stunning views.

Friday, June 20, 2014


Lunch was in a beautiful forest. It was kind of hard to believe we were on top of a mountain in such rocky terrain. Great vistas today



We reached a height of 7000 feet. The wildflowers were so tiny and so colorful.

Wilson Mountain

We hiked Wilson Mountain today. It was quite an accomplishment, it was a tough hike. It is the highest point in Sedona.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Devils Bridge

I couldn't wait to share these photos with you. We met a family while hiking out to Devils Bridge and we took turns taking photos of one another while on the bridge. This family was from Washington DC they had three young children, one boy and two girls. They were very excited about their experiences. No panicking moms, this was very safe!

Monday, June 16, 2014

St. Luke Church

We attended service at this lovely little church in town today. Maybe 15 of us there, the people were so friendly and we enjoyed coffee and snacks by the pond in the shade of the trees afterwards. Thank you Lord for your many blessings; the people we've met and the scenery you've given us to enjoy!